Giant eel
; giant eel ![]() | |
Difficulty | 7 |
Attacks |
Bite 3d6 physical, Touch 0d0 drowning |
Base level | 5 |
Base experience | 1075 |
Speed | 9 |
Base AC | -1 |
Base MR | 0 |
Alignment | 0 (neutral) |
Frequency (by normal means) | 0 (Not randomly generated) |
Genocidable | Yes |
Weight | 200 |
Nutritional value | 250 |
Size | Huge |
Resistances | None |
Resistances conveyed | None |
A giant eel:
| |
Reference | monst.c#line2822 |
A giant eel, ;, is a type of monster that appears in NetHack. The giant eel is a carnivorous and slithy sea monster that is oviparous, can hide within water and can be seen via infravision. Like all sea monsters, giant eels are amphibious and capable of swimming and hiding in water, and they become scared and lose HP while stuck on land.
A giant eel has a bite attack, and a touch attack that causes it to wrap around the target: this will result in the hero drowning if they are adjacent to a pool or moat, and are hit by the attack again while already wrapped by it.
Giant eels are not randomly generated. Normally-placed giant eels are always generated hostile, and will be created asleep 4⁄5 of the time unless the hero has the Amulet of Yendor.[1]
Each square of water in a swamp where a monster is placed at level creation has a 4⁄5 of that monster being a giant eel.[2]
Giant eels populate other watery areas in several parts of the dungeon at level creation:
- Three giant eels are placed in the moat of the Archeologist quest home level.[3]
- Three giant eels are placed in the river of the Barbarian quest home level.[4]
- Several giant eels are generated in the waters of the Healer quest: at least one is generated on the home level, two are generated on the upper filler level, at least five are generated on the locate level, five each are generated on the lower filler levels, and at least six are generated on the goal level.
- One giant eel is placed in the river of the Tourist quest home level.[5]
- Three giant eels are placed in the large pond of the Wizard quest home level.[6]
- Four giant eels are placed in the moat of Fort Ludios.[7]
- Three of four maps for Medusa's Island contain giant eels in the sea: the first version has three giant eels, and the third and fourth versions have two giant eels each.[8][9][10]
- Four giant eels are placed in the moat of the Castle.[11]
- Two giant eels are placed in the moat at the bottom level of the Wizard's Tower, and four more are placed in the moat of the topmost level.[12][13]
- Eight giant eels are placed within the Plane of Water.[14]
Giant eels are often the first monsters most players encounter that can drown them, providing a rude awakening for the unprepared. They also have an AC of -1 and may be slightly tricky to hit, though most heroes encountering one will have a reliable weapon and decent to-hit, if not maximum luck.
Though giant eels are somewhat slow and most heroes will have speed, they should still be wary of engaging an eel in melee: if it manages to wrap itself around you, there may only be a couple of actions left to get free before it successfully drowns you. While improving AC can make it harder for giant eels to hit you in the first place, this should not be relied on, and even more seasoned players with well-armored characters can be dragged to a quick and ignoble death underwater. When traversing near or across large bodies of water, be attentive and keep an eye out for giant eels—telepathy and warning can reliably detect any eels lurking within.
There are multiple methods to free yourself from a giant eel or else prevent it grabbing you at all: A non-cursed oilskin cloak or greased outer body armor is the most reliable way of preventing the giant eel from getting a hold, though grease can wear off. You can also take advantage of the eel's 0 MR score by scaring it off, which will usually always succeed and forces it to let go if it has grabbed you. Bugles, tooled horns, expensive cameras and even engraving Elbereth will suffice depending on the situation.
Giant eels are best dispatched at a distance before they can get close enough to you, and most wands and spells that hit can immobilize or hinder the eel enough for you to escape or neutralize it. A wand of cold or cone of cold will strand the eel above water, causing it to become scared, while a wand or spell of sleep will completely immobilize it and cause it to let go if it has grabbed you. A wand of teleportation can reliably warp away a giant eel holding you, even on no-teleport levels. Most levitation sources such as the ring or potion will cause an eel holding you to let go when used to initiate levitation—however, levitation boots in particular take two actions to put on, which can prove unreliable if you are burdened.
Giant eels are especially dangerous on the Plane of Water, where you cannot engrave and have less room to maneuver away from them. Most methods of keeping them away are still viable, such as wands of teleportation and instruments, but some methods such as the wand of cold and cone of cold spell are rendered unusable. Most players sidestep the risk of drowning on the Plane altogether by using a blessed scroll of genocide to wipe out all ; upon entering the level.
The giant eel first appears in Hack for PDP-11, which is based on Jay Fenlason's Hack. While not included in the initial bestiary for Hack 1.0, it does appear in Hack 1.0.2, which credits PDP-11 Hack's creators Michiel Huisjes and Fred de Wilde for inspiring both the monster and the swamp special room, and continues to appear from this version to NetHack 2.2a.
In NetHack 2.3e, the giant eel is replaced by the electric eel—NetHack 3.0.0 adds both monsters to the default bestiary.
Eels are ray-finned fish belonging to the order Anguilliformes, and are typically predators. Notably large species of eels include: the giant mottled eel (or marbled eel), the giant moray eel, the slender giant moray, and the European conger.
The term "eel" is also used for other orders of eel-shaped fish, such as electric eels, spiny eels, swamp eels, and deep-sea spiny eels that evolved their body shapes independently from "true" eels. Eels live both in salt and fresh water, and some species migrate from fresh water down into the sea to spawn and fertilize eggs. Various types of eel appear in Dungeons & Dragons, including the giant eel: the 1st Edition Monster Manual describes giant eels as typically of the moray type, with a nasty temper and teeth to match, and they are rarely found in freshwater areas.
In older versions of SLASH'EM, two giant eels are generated in the river of the Hobbit quest home level at level creation, and another giant eel is generated in the lake of the goal level at level creation. Three giant eels are generated on the far side of the lake in the Lycanthrope quest home level at level creation.
In UnNetHack, the "watcher in the water" random vaults may contain a giant eel within its pools if generated at dungeon level 3 or lower.
Three giant eels are randomly generated in the moat of the first alternate layout for the Castle at level creation.
In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, giant eels and other sea monsters can be randomly generated if a level has water and a water square is selected as a spot for random monster generation, and will be generated on such floors at level creation.
The giant eel's touch attach is changed for a tailslap attack that deals 1 damage and can wrap the eel around their target.
Giant eels are generated in various locations around the dungeon, in addition to their standard locations from NetHack:
- Two giant eels are randomly generated on the Water Temple level of the Chaos Temple Quest at level creation.
- Two giant eels are generated in the first map of the Grue's Cavern at level creation.
- Each possible layout for the Castle contains four giant eels in the waters at level creation.
Giant eels can be generated with the psurlon template.
In EvilHack, a giant eel is placed within the moat on the ground floor of the Wizard's Tower at level creation.
In SlashTHEM, giant eels are generated on the home, locate and upper filler levels of the Pirate quest at level creation.
Encyclopedia entry
The behaviour of eels in fresh water extends the air of
mystery surrounding them. They move freely into muddy, silty
bottoms of lakes, lying buried in the daylight hours in summer.
[...] Eels are voracious carnivores, feeding mainly at
night and consuming a wide variety of fishes and invertebrate
creatures. Contrary to earlier thinking, eels seek living
rather than dead creatures and are not habitual eaters of
- ↑ src/makemon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1320
- ↑ src/mkroom.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 533
- ↑ dat/Arch.des in NetHack 3.6.7, line 86-L89
- ↑ dat/Barb.des in NetHack 3.6.7, line 86-L89
- ↑ dat/Tourist.des in NetHack 3.6.7, line 116
- ↑ dat/Tourist.des in NetHack 3.6.7, line 75-L77
- ↑ dat/knox.des in NetHack 3.6.7, line 137-L140
- ↑ dat/medusa.des in NetHack 3.6.7, line 89-L91
- ↑ dat/medusa.des in NetHack 3.6.7, line 301-L302
- ↑ dat/medusa.des in NetHack 3.6.7, line 406-L407
- ↑ dat/castle.des in NetHack 3.6.7, line 178-L181
- ↑ dat/Yendor.des in NetHack 3.6.7, line 54
- ↑ dat/Yendor.des in NetHack 3.6.7, line 195
- ↑ dat/endgame.des in NetHack 3.6.7, line 416-L423